
You can download my full cv here, or follow me on Google Scholar here.

Academic Papers

Manduca, R., Anampa Castro, C., and Ochoa, A. 2024. Social Transfer Programs as Non-Spatially-Targeted Methods of Reducing Interregional Geographic Inequality. Social Service Review.

Manduca, R., Hell, M., Adermon, A., Blanden, J., Bratberg, E., Gielen, A. C., van Kippersluis, H., Lee, K. B., Machin, S., Munk, M. D., Nybom, M, Ostrovsky, Y., Rahman, S., Sirniö, O. 2024. Measuring Absolute Income Mobility: Lessons from North America and Europe. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 16(2):1-30.

Manduca, R. 2024. “I Was Open to Anywhere, It’s Just This Was Easier:” Social Structure, Location Preferences, and the Geographic Concentration of Elite College Graduates. Qualitative Sociology 47:153-185.

Fritz, B. S. L., and Manduca, R. A. 2021. The Economic Complexity of US Metropolitan Areas. Regional Studies 55(7):1299-1310.

Manduca, R., and Sampson, R.J. 2021. Childhood Exposure to Polluted Environments and Intergenerational Income Mobility, Teenage Birth, and Incarceration in the USA. Population and Environment 42(4):501-523.

Manduca, R. 2021. The Spatial Structure of US Metropolitan Employment: New Insights from Administrative Data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48(5):1357-1372.

Spicer, J., Manduca, R., and Kay, T. 2020. National Living Wage Movements in a Regional World: The Fight for $15 in the United States. In Reimagining the Governance of Work and Employment (Labor and Employment Relations Association Annual Research Volume).

Manduca, R. 2019. Antitrust Enforcement as Federal Policy to Reduce Regional Economic Disparities. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 685(1):156-171.

Manduca, R., and Sampson, R.J. 2019. Punishing and Toxic Environments Independently Predict the Intergenerational Social Mobility of Black and White Children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(16):7772-7777.

Manduca, R.A. 2019. The Contribution of National Income Inequality to Regional Economic Divergence. Social Forces 98(2):578-621.

Manduca, R. 2018. Income Inequality and the Persistence of Racial Economic DisparitiesSociological Science 5:182-205.

Manduca, R. The US Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Datasets. REGION 5(3):R5-R12.

Small, M.L., Manduca, R.A., and Johnston, W.R. 2018. Ethnography, Neighborhood Effects, and the Rising Heterogeneity of Poor NeighborhoodsCity and Community 17(3):565-589.

Folch, D., Spielman, S. and Manduca, R. 2018. Fast Food Data: Where User-Generated Content Works and Where it Does NotGeographical Analysis 50(2):125-140.

Chetty, R., Grusky, D., Hell, M. Hendren, N., Manduca, R., and Narang, J. 2017. The Fading American Dream: Trends in Absolute Income Mobility Since 1940Science 356(6336):398-406.

Green, B., Caro, A., Conway, M., Manduca, R., Plagge, T., and Miller, A. 2015. Mining Administrative Data to Spur Urban RevitalizationKDD ’15: The 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 1829-1838.

Working Papers

Manduca, R., Anampa Castro, C., and Ochoa, A. 2023. Social Transfer Programs as Place-Conscious Policies to Reduce Interregional Geographic Inequality.

Manduca, R. 2022. Wealth as Control of the Future.

Public Writing

Johnson, N., and Manduca, R. 2022. After Free Trade. Boston Review. (Review of The Neomercantilists: A Global Intellectual History by Eric Helleiner).

Manduca, R. Johnson, N., and Hong, C. 2021. The Biden Infastructure Bills Would Restore America’s Traditional Approach to Economic Growth. Washington Post.

Hong, C., Manduca, R., and Johnson, N. In the Common Interest. Boston Review. (Review of Grassroots Leviathan by Ariel Ron)

Johnson, N., Manduca, R., and Hong, C. 2021. The American Anti-Austerity Tradition. Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Manduca, R. 2021. The American Dream is less of a reality today in the United States, compared to other peer nations. Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Manduca, R. 2021. Place-Conscious Federal Policies to Reduce Regional Economic Disparities in the United States. In Boosting Wages for US Workers in the New Economy.

Manduca, R. 2019. Selling KeynesianismBoston Review.

Manduca, R. 2019. To Fix Regional Inequality, Target the One PercentWashington Monthly.

Manduca, R. 2019. How National Income Inequality in the United States Contributes to Economic Dis- parities Between Regions. Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Manduca, R. 2018. How Rising US Income Inequality Exacerbates Racial Economic Disparities. Washington Center for Equitable Growth.